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Tag: digital age

Networking in the Digital Age

Networking has never been the most well-liked or favoured aspect of professional life. In fact, a majority of people actually find networking... ...

2016 年數碼營銷 7大走勢

隨著互聯網急速的發展,社會的消費行為亦開始改變,各個企業在推廣業務時,都開始善用數碼營銷,因此數碼營銷人才的需求急劇上升。以下是2016年數碼營銷的7大走勢,有意投身數碼營銷的人或已經是數碼營銷的人才可參考一下,好好裝備自己。 ...

To thrive in the digital age, IT executives need to become co-owners of business outcomes, says Fujitsu’s IT veteran Albert Wong

Albert Wong, the general manager of Fujitsu’s service delivery division in Hong Kong, is a seasoned IT professional with more than three decades of experience....... ...