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Tag: Degree

【DSE放榜攻略】 4大唔洗Degree 起薪點都有2萬嘅職位

7月19日便是DSE放榜的大日子,相信各位考生都十分緊張自己的成績。無論最後成績如何,香港其實有很多出路給一眾考生選擇! 今次就介紹4個職位,就算沒有Degree,畢業後亦易搵工、有良好的進升階梯,而且起薪點都約2萬。各位DSE考生不妨考慮一下,讓自己多一個選擇! ...

Ways to boost competitiveness through further studies?

I have a masters degree and I'm considering studying part-time. Would this help or would I be viewed as overqualified by prospective employers? ...

How do I get into teaching?

I've heard the pay in teaching is quite attractive and would like some pointers for joining the profession. ...