Career Advice Career counselling, advice and guidance

Damian Rhodes

Damian Rhodes is a managing director at FocusCore Recruit in Hong Kong.

Contracting could be a key to unlock your career search in Hong Kong

Are you a seasoned senior executive, and yet struggle to find suitable work in Hong Kong? ...

Don’t accept that counter-offer: things to bear in mind when resigning in Hong Kong

The first quarter of the year is the most popular time for resignations – when people tend to jump ship after cashing in bonuses and stock options, or lack thereof. If you are preparing to leave your company...... ...

Loyalty is about helping create a more positive working environment, not just about staying at the same company for a long time


Be as involved in fatherhood as you are in business, says entrepreneur Damian Rhodes

It’s 5am and my first meeting of the day begins. In my profession, I meet some of the most influential professionals in Hong Kong...... ...