Career Advice 名家分享

【搵工必勝法】搵工成功第一步 Cover Letter唔可以求其寫

要搵工唔容易,要過多重關卡 - Send CV畀HR、HR打電話做Phone Interview篩選,再到First Interview、Second Interview,甚至有Third Interview,過程要過五關斬六將。想增加成功機會,第一步要寫好Cover Letter! 一封好嘅求職信可以影響你會唔會獲得面試嘅機會。快啲睇吓有咩寫Cover Letter嘅小貼士啦!




求職信要有你嘅簡要概述,等潛在僱主可以了解、評估你是否適合招騁中嘅職位。記得喺Cover Letter中強調一啲重點,加深僱主的印象,以獲得面試機會。






1. 首先,要解釋你寫呢封信嘅原因,同你由咩途徑知道呢個職位


I am writing to apply for the position of tax accountant, advertised in the Classified Post. I believe this job would enable me to use and develop the skills that I have acquired in my career to date.


2. 一段關於相關學術研究、工作經驗和技能的描述


I studied accountancy at university and this prepared me for a career in this profession. I took a module in tax accountancy during my studies and it helped me understand the industry.

I started my career as an accountant in a small retail company. I managed all the accounts for the firm and its profits rose by 60 per cent in my two years there.

