Career Advice Career counselling, advice and guidance

The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers

The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) was incorporated under the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Ordinance, Chapter 1105 of the Laws of Hong Kong in 1975. The Institution sets standards for the training and admission of engineers and has strict rules governing its members’ conduct. As a learned society, it regularly organises activities to keep members abreast of the latest engineering developments and for the purpose of continuing professional development.

Climate Governance towards a Sustainable Fresh Water Supply in Hong Kong: Adopting a Holistic Water Management Approach as an Urgent Imperative

Fresh water crisis is becoming increasingly serious around the world and may obviously impede the sustainable development in many regions across Asia , including the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Therefore, it is essential to promote the diversification of water resources and build a resilient water system to respond to climate change. ...

Engineering a Sustainable Future: Insights from Sweden

Imagine a world where sustainability meets innovation, where engineering paves the way for a greener future. The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Young Members Committee (HKIE YMC) Overseas Delegation 2024 ventured into the heart of Sweden on a mission centred around "Mind-mapping Sustainable City". ...

Achieve Carbon Neutrality with Hydrogen

Amid escalating global concerns about climate change, the search for a sustainable energy alternative to replace high-carbon-emitting conventional sources has reached a critical juncture. In this pursuit, hydrogen energy emerges as a clean and highly efficient solution, playing a pivotal role in achieving carbon neutrality. ...

CEDD 20A Celebratory Event - HKIE CVD – CEDD Joint Conference 2024

As an exciting kickoff to the 20th Anniversary Celebration of CEDD in 2024, the joint conference with The Hong Kong Institute of Engineers Civil Division (HKIE CVD) was held on 24th January 2024 at the Cordis Hotel, Hong Kong, and it was a resounding success. ...

Greater Cross-Border Integration and Higher Mobility of Talents in the Greater Bay Area (GBA): Collaborative Efforts towards Carbon Neutrality

We have witnessed successful collaborations in numerous engineering projects in the Greater Bay Area (GBA), such as the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, High-Speed Rail, and the joint development of renewable energy projects. Cross-border integration not only drives knowledge exchange but also directly or indirectly benefits the lives and well-being of every citizen. The contributions of electrical engineers to these cross-border projects are significant. They include the design and implementation of advanced electrical systems for the Bridge, the traction power supply for High-Speed Rail, and the advanced protection systems for wind farms. With increased cross-border integration, electrical engineers are presented with unique opportunities and challenges. ...

The Moment of Engineering Evolution – The HKIE YMC Overseas Delegation 2023 to Germany

Engineering has been at the core of molding and propelling the progress of human civilisation across time, enabling enhancements in the standards of living around the world. It has become more apparent that the engineering field is now undergoing a pivotal evolution. These megatrends are fostered by powerful technological and social forces converging. The needs and demands of society are now experiencing a swift shift expediated by COVID. Simultaneously, there is a growing recognition of the grand challenges of our era, including climate change and sustainable development, which require highly coordinated global cooperation across borders. ...

Engineering Education – The Importance of Learning from Failure

Despite the growing popularity of STEM and engineering education in recent years, it has been noticed that there is generally a lack of understanding of the engineering profession amongst the general public as well as parents and students. Additionally, the engineering industry has observed a decline in the quality of engineering students.1 When being asked to describe a good student, the most common terms are hardworking, being good in academics, submitting work on time, being regular, participating in-class activities, and achieving high grades, etc. However, However, these qualities do not guarantee success in becoming a good engineer. ...

Net-Zero Framework towards Sustainable Northern Metropolis Development

“Northern Metropolis” is an emerging hot topic. The Chief Executive John Lee has set his vision in the Policy Address 2022 that the Northern Metropolis will be developed as a new international innovation and technology (I&T) hub and has committed to providing high-level direct supervision to push forward this project at full speed. Meanwhile, the Government also announced the Hong Kong’s Climate Action Plan 2050 earlier in 2021, which sets out the targets and strategies for achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 as the overarching goal. ...


服裝用物料主要分為梳織和針織,但製衣過程高度耗水和耗能,亦會產生大量廢物,污染環境,令人關注減廢的重要性。而3D打印及掃描的最新發展改變了產品設計和生產流程。最近,服裝業開始把這技術應用在不同產品之中。 ...

Is Green Hydrogen a Panacea to Global Decarbonisation?

Interest in green hydrogen is skyrocketing around the world as it is seen as a potential solution in tackling challenges in decarbonising society. Although it has been a recent hot topic , utilisation of hydrogen is not new at all. Many important industrial processes (e.g. steel manufacturing, fertiliser production and food processing) have been using hydrogen as feedstock for decades. It becomes a spotlight because of its new role as energy carrier. ...