Career Advice Career Guidance and Counselling

How to unlock those hidden transferable skills and broaden your job search

Have you ever been deterred from applying for a job you thought you’d be great at, just because you felt your skills and experience didn’t 100 per cent match up with the job description?

If so, then you’re not alone. Many jobseekers are guilty of this, regardless of seniority or level of experience. I strongly believe that, given the current recruitment landscape, there’s really no need for jobseekers to feel this level of self-doubt during the job search process.

Why? Because, in actual fact, many employers worldwide are finding themselves facing a skills-shortage epidemic, particularly in younger industries and growth markets. Employers are also realising the importance of soft skills, which are now held in the same regard as harder, more technical skills, which tend to be more specific to the role.

As a result, jobseekers are using “hidden skills” to consider applying for jobs which previously seemed out of reach, or weren’t even on their radar.

Hidden transferable skills are ones you may not even consider as having any value, things that you may think of as run of the mill, but which are actually highly sought after in other industries. It could be anything, even your own mother tongue.

As part of your job search, discover your hidden skills. Look back at your previous jobs, volunteer work, educational background and hobbies, and identify the transferable skills you needed to do those tasks well.

Determine which roles require your hidden skills. Assess which industries, companies and roles require these skills.

When speaking with recruiters or hiring managers and writing your cover letters, elaborate upon how these hidden skills can transfer to the role you are applying for.

One thing to keep in mind is that all skills can be transferable, but it depends on what position you are looking for, the talents you enjoy showcasing, and how much honing and developing these attributes need before you can become job application ready.


This article appeared in the Classified Post print edition as Hidden depths.