Career Advice Career Guidance and Counselling

Great leaders know to establish a great working environment around them

It has been over five years since I arrived in Hong Kong, and every day the market gets more and more crowded with new services and products. There are new leaders emerging all the time. I have seen those who have failed and those who have succeeded. What great leaders in today’s market all have in common is they inspire trust and confidence in their staff. This ensures continual commitment to the organisation and fosters lasting belief in the vision of the business. Even so, there are other leaders who show greatness only in certain areas and are there primarily to woo the consumer’s dollar.

What great leaders bring to the table are qualities such as the ability to establish an excellent environment within a workplace where they dole out rewards fairly and where integrity is both demonstrated and valued. They inspire their people with vision, courage and a keen sense of direction.

Great leaders are able to influence and inspire others to act together to build empires. Their common characteristics include humility, modesty, steadfastness, composure and compassion.

They lead with the end result in mind. They are fearless and courageous in making bold decisions for the well-being of the community in which they operate. They work hard to win the hearts of their staff to nurture a strong learning culture that benefits all.

Should you have the desire to be a great leader one day, it is important to remember that your own success can largely be influenced by the success and failures of those you are working with. This is something worth knowing.


This article appeared in the Classified Post print edition as Taking the lead.